
Götheborg of Sweden is the world's largest ocean-going wooden sailing ship, an 18th century replica of the original Götheborg that sank outside of Gothenburg in 1745, and will create great attention wherever she goes. In 2022 and 2023 the ship has sailed in Europe and it is now moored in its home port Gothenburg. Read our latest news here and scroll down to the bottom of this page to sign up for our newsletter.

Sailing from Gothenburg at 4pm

16 August 2021

Today at 4pm (16:00), the ship Götheborg leaves quay in Gothenburg to sail to Stockholm. The ship will fire a gun salute about ten minutes after leaving quay. It’s the first time in six years that the ship is sailing, and the first step on the large expedition to Asia that the ship will go on in 2022.  

Götheborg of Sweden’s departure is delayed until Monday

14 August 2021

The ship Götheborg, that was set to leave for Stockholm tomorrow, 15 August, will be pushed back one day, to Monday 16 August. During the day on Saturday, the spritsail yard under the bowsprit, broke on the ship Götheborg. Work is now under way to replace the yard with a spare yard.

The ship Götheborg of Sweden sails to Stockholm

13 August 2021

Sunday, 15 August 2021, 2 pm, the ship Götheborg will leave Gothenburg and sail towards Stockholm. It’s the first time in six years that the ship is sailing, and the starting point for the major journey to Asia that the ship will make next year, in 2022. The mission for the journey is to strengthen Swedish-Asian trade relations, and promote the need for sustainable solutions and innovations to create a better future.

Expo East Indiaman Götheborg 2.0

01 June 2021

Götheborg of Sweden is open for visitors every day throughout the summer! For the first time, you are given the opportunity to gain a deeper insight into the maintenance work on land when we open up the Ships Workshop! Also, visit our new pop-up store, explore a historic exhibition in our Ships Hall and get a guided tour on board the ship.

Götheborg of Sweden is heading to Stockholm on her way to Asia

06 April 2021

Yes! Götheborg of Sweden is getting ready for the expedition to Asia in 2022. We are pleased to announce a leg to Stockholm in August 2021. The stop-over in the capital city will be a showcase of future possibilities for Swedish companies that are looking for new business opportunities in East Asia.

Meet our new colleague, Anna Holmedahl White

05 March 2021

Meet our new colleague, Anna Holmdahl White, responsible for partner sales. She has an extensive background in sailing and is the brains and driving force behind the world’s premier female sailing event, Lysekil Women’s Match. We're excited to welcome her as Partner Director for the Asia 2022 expedition.  

Greencarrier takes over ownership of the Götheborg of Sweden

15 February 2021

Greencarrier ensures that Götheborg of Sweden sails on Greencarrier AB has acquired all shares in Svenska Ostindiska Companiet AB - SOIC AB - from foundation Ostindiefararen Götheborg. Greencarrier AB thereby also takes over the ownership and responsibility for Götheborg of Sweden

New team member at the office: Interview with Gabriella Johansson

05 February 2021

Meet our new crew manager, Gabriella "Bell" Johansson. Bell will replace Susanne Klip as a crew manager during her maternity leave from the 12th of March until the 1st of October. She has a background as a guide at Götheborg of Sweden for many years.

Meet the crew: Erik Palholmen, Chief Engineer

29 September 2020

Meet our Chief Engineer, Erik Palholmen. Erik sailed with Götheborg of Sweden already in 2005, on one of the first legs of the Chine voyage. Since 2013 he has worked at SOIC during her expeditions, first as an Engineer and later as Chief engineer. Since 2019 he has been working full-time as a Chief engineer.

History on the 12th of September, 275 years ago

08 September 2020

This Saturday, the 12th of September it will be 275 years ago the original East Indiaman Götheborg ran aground on the underwater rocks of Knippla Hunnebådan (close to the port of Gothenburg) and sank.

Meet the crew: Hanna Nejstgaard

04 August 2020

Meet our new guide, Hanna Nejstgaard. Hanna started volunteering in 2014, and sailed with Götheborg of Sweden in 2015. "On the second day I was there, I was asked to give a guided tour for a bunch of photographers. I had only been on board for a day and a half, but I managed to do it! They asked me if I wanted to work as a guide during the summer and I have been here ever since."