
Götheborg of Sweden is the world's largest ocean-going wooden sailing ship, an 18th century replica of the original Götheborg that sank outside of Gothenburg in 1745, and will create great attention wherever she goes. In 2022 and 2023 the ship has sailed in Europe and it is now moored in its home port Gothenburg. Read our latest news here and scroll down to the bottom of this page to sign up for our newsletter.

The Gotenius shipyard visit – What has been done?

26 April 2022

We have now been at the shipyard for a number of weeks in order to get ready for the Asia Expedition. We've had sunshine, rain and snowstorms during our time at Gotenius, but now it's time to head back to Pier 4 at Eriksberg in Gothenburg. Let us tell you all about it. 

Sail with us to Copenhagen, Oslo and London

13 April 2022

As we announce that the ship is coming to Copenhagen and Oslo in July, we are also really excited to release three more sailing legs at the same time: Stockholm to Copenhagen, Copenhagen to Oslo and Oslo to London. Are you ready to join us?

Copenhagen and Oslo – Final two stops in the Nordics

12 April 2022

In July we're coming to Copenhagen and Oslo! They are the two final stops in the Nordic countries before the ship heads towards the rest of Europe on the great Asia Expedition 2022/2023. We will be in Copenhagen 20–24 July and in Oslo 28–31 July 2022.

Sail the Archipelago Tour

23 March 2022

The third leg of the expedition, Helsinki to Stockholm, will be nine days of sailing! While the linear distance in itself may be limited, this is actually one of the more extensive legs. There will be plenty of open sea, or in other words a lot of sailing. We will follow the winds and set as many sails as possible, which is an experience in itself. 

Sail with us to Helsinki

16 March 2022

The second leg of the Asia Expedition 2022/2023 is between the Swedish city of Helsingborg and the Finish capital, Helsinki. This leg of the expedition will be six days of sailing, and what six days it will be. The Baltic Sea in summer is magical! The sun hardly sets before it’s on the rise again, in colours so grand it’s breathtaking – a timeless experience that Northern seafarers share across the millenniums.

Helsinki is the second stop on the Asia Expedition

15 March 2022

In June, right in time for Midsummer, we are coming to Helsinki! Today we are excited to announce that Finland and Helsinki will be the second stop on the Asia Expedition 2022/2023. The ship will be in Helsinki 23–27 June 2022, and will be moored at Makasiini Quay, right at the heart of the city.

Shipyard visit to prepare for the Asia Expedition 2022/2023

09 March 2022

Yesterday Götheborg left Pir 4 at Eriksberg and headed for the shipyard Gotenius at Ringön, where she will be during the next three to four weeks. On her way to the shipyard, Götheborg also passed under the new bridge in Gothenburg, Hisingsbron, for the very first time!

Sail with us to Helsingborg!

01 March 2022

The first leg of the two-year expedition is between Gothenburg and Helsingborg, and this is the leg to be a part of – if climbing, getting the ship ready, learning about the rig, and taking her for the first run of the year is your thing, that is. And let’s not forget the spectacular departure from the Port of Gothenburg!

Götheborg is coming to Helsingborg and H22 City Expo

01 March 2022

Helsingborg is the first stopover on Götheborg of Sweden’s great Asia Expedition 2022/2023! It is the first time that the ship visits Helsingborg, and the stopover will be part of the large city event and innovation show, H22 City Expo. As the first port stop is announced, the departure date for when the ship leaves Gothenburg is also made public; 8 June 2022.  

More preparations on the ship! Brace yourself for ship jargon.

14 February 2022

Preparations for the Asia Expedition 2022/2023 are ongoing, and right now we have done caulking and pitching to seal the hull. The first thing is to caulk the deck with flax fibres to seal the seams. Then it is time for the pitching of the deck. This is done to keep the flax fibres in place once the ship is in the water.

Apply to be a deckhand on board Götheborg

08 February 2022

An English channel adventure is waiting! Apply now to sail as a deckhand on Götheborg on the sailing leg between London and Bremerhaven – the Crown Jewel Passage. Climb high up in the rig, work with setting and taking in sails, and learn about sailing an 18th century ship. This passage will give you the unique experience of sailing and steering the ship in waters that are among the world’s busiest.

Smoke, fire and craftsmanship when putting iron rings on new yard

04 February 2022

Last week, we carried out some exciting work on Götheborg. We’ve made two new yards for the ship, a main yard and a fore yard. One of the final steps is to put on iron rings, that are used to fixate the joints of the yard. The work is done in the historically correct way; the same way these large riggs were built in the 18th century.